Update August 2012
KisMAC Trunk r407 has been released
This trunk fixes some of the issues with Lion 10.7+ and 10.8
Airport Passive Mode is still not working but you may/can use an USB adapter with it (WLAN)
this is a temporary fix and you use KisMAC r407 at your own risk(s)
Please report to Kismac-ng for any other info.
If you still need/want to use your Alfa 036h/Realtek without KisMAC, then keep on reading...
The KALI apps allows you to use the best of both world: With KisMAC and/or Realtek Utility
on all OSX: from Snow Leopard to Lion. (10.6.x - 10.7.x )
Until now, it was either KisMAC or Realtek on Snow Leopard. On Lion it was none...
That is, until now ...
Click to Enlarge |
How to proceed:
1) Choose your Card i.e AWUS036H, or -036NH. For the NH, read the FAQ below.
1a) Don't send a report with no card selected
1b) For Airport , ditto, please read the FAQ: Airport does not allow any active attack.
2) Run the Report Generator.app , send us the report (Automagically filled out on Mac Mail). The Report is MANDATORY.
3) WE'LL CONFIRM with the report generated based on your configuration. Know before you buy!
Do NOT buy before you have received our confirmation. The Report is MANDATORY.
4) Airport won't work, no need to send a report unless you have an Alfa
5) No Hackintosh
If you make a Payment prior to sending the report AND if we are unable to generate the app based on your configuration, we will reimburse you minus the Paypal fees. (both ways) It's explained in the FAQ. We're sorry, but Paypal leaves us no choices.
Report Generator.app
Each App is tailor-made based on your System Configuration (Thank you Apple!)
We can not make it work for all systems from scratch, We NEED to tweak the App based on your configuration!
☞ Each app is made based on your config! It's NOT instantaneous. There is a delay! Please be a little patient :-)
☞ What's the Merwin Option?
The Merwin Free Animal Clinic is a NON PROFIT Free Animal Clinic. They are poor, but they do good: They provide the greater Boston area with free veterinarian services for Students or lower income people. If you can spare a buck or two for them, that would be excellent for your Karma. A part of proceed from Kali App goes to them. As a rule of thumb, being generous is always good. For you. (in so many ways...)
If you don't trust us, you can donate directly to them.
Alfa AWUS036H + OSX 10.6. To 10.7.x
Alfa Tube-U (G) + OSX 10.6. To 10.7.x
Kali 036H3.2 New and improved!
- Read the FAQ!! Send the report first
OSX 10.6 to 10.7+, all-in-one
Nuke-It troubleshooter
Alfa AWUSO36NH + OSX 10.7.x
NOT Mountain Lion (10.8) compatible
For a KisMAC compatible card Go HERE
The NHR has (up to) 2000mW of transmit power, one of the most powerful card on the market.
33dBm EIRP + Add the antenna gain (5,9 or 12dBm)
Special long-range, Camping, Boating, RV, etc .
The Reception Quality is AMAZING!
Look below for the drivers (free) including 10.7
The Alfa AWUS036NHR is not KisMAC Compatible
For a KisMAC compatible card Go HERE
Alfa Drivers for Mac
Realtek / Ralink WLAN utility
Do NOT use the mini CD or it will get stuck ....
All drivers are provided "as is". (C) of their respective owner(s)
Do NOT install the drivers if you use KisMAC unless you have the Kali app
Alfa AWUS036H Mac Drivers
Realtek Uninstaller App (Kali Made)
10.4 to 10.6.7 Working
10.6.8 to 10.7+ May not work without Kali app
10.6.8 on MBP 8.1+ May not work without Kali app
Check if it will work: Run the Report Generator
Alfa AWUS036NH Mac Drivers
10.4 to 10.6.7 Working
10.6.8 to 10.7+ May not work without Kali app.
Check if it will work: Run the Report Generator
Alfa AWUS036NHR Mac Drivers For Lion 10.7
MAC OSX 10.7 (UI ver.1.9.7)
Found a bug?
don't keep it, share it with us (Re-Captcha)
☞ Read This!
Update August 2012
KisMAC Trunk r407 has been released
This trunk fixes some of the issues with Lion 10.7+ and 10.8
Airport Passive Mode is still not working but you may/can use an USB adapter with it (WLAN)
this is a temporary fix and you use KisMAC r407 at your own risk(s)
Please report to Kismac-ng for any other info.
If you still need/want to use your Alfa 036h/Realtek without KisMAC, then keep on reading...
- You CANNOT use the card 036H with KisMAC and the Realtek Utility at the same time! It's one or the other. Just as you can not use Airport on 2 different networks at the same time. We can't split the card physically in two. We've tried to slice them, alas, it breaks them. ;-)
- You CAN use them on one OR the other. Just not at the same time
- The Realtek App must be installed or un-installed properly! If you have previously installed and just trashed the Realtek App, some files were left behind. --> Use the UNinstaller provided in the Package then re-install accordingly to the instructions.
Alfa AWUS036H is KisMAC Compatible, but if you install the Realtek Utility, you can not use the card with KisMAC, It's too bad, because using the Alfa increase drastically the quality of your internet connection. Try to get a 3000ft connection with Airport ... The KALI App allow you to use the best of both world.
->>> Alfa AWUS036NH & NHR are not KisMAC Compatible <<<-
->>> Airport does not allow for re-injection or active attacks, and it won't simply not work. We recommend the Alfa card as detailed on "Best KisMAC compatible Wi-Fi card". We've tried a bunch and always go back the Alfa.
->>> Kali App is licensed to you only, one user, one computer. You can not "lend it to friends" or "pass it along"
->>> Not working on Mountain Lion.
The App allow you to use the Realtek Utility Application / Ralink WLAN on both OSX 10.6.8 and 10.7 Lion and thus get a much better connection than with your Airport alone. This is for 036H and 036NH only. For NHR the Drivers are free and provided above.
Install and Demo
Very simple:
Nice people that give $1 to Merwin Free Animal Clinic will get 1 update.
Generous people that give $2 to Merwin Free Animal Clinic will get 2 updates.
Very Nice & Generous people that give $3 to Merwin Free Animal Clinic will get 3 updates, VIP support, including on-screen sharing.
On All Paypal Button, there is an option, don't be a Scrooge! it's less than a coffee!
User Questions Answered:
- Once installed, will my airport card built into my MacBook air work like normal still? I've bought the alpha awus036h to tinker around with kismac. Want to test my own wpa2 protected airport extreme... Anyway, when I'm done with the alpha is it easy to revert to the airport card? Or can they work side by side? I noted when using the airport in monitor mode (passive) you have no means to continue with safari. Clearly airport can't do both at once. I see in your read me file it says with Kali you can do both... Is that with alpha doing kismac and airport doing wifi/safari? Or alpha/Kali doing both?Thanks in advance! I'm running Lion 10.7.2 by the way! Scott
- - Scott, Yes, Kali does not interfere with your Airport. When you will use your Airport with KisMAC on PASSIVE Mode You will see the menu bar icon changing. It's called "rfmon".You'll basically go from "talk and listen" to "listen only", that's why your internet connection stop working for Safari or surfing the web: You can't talk anymore. With Kali and Realtek App, you can have the Alfa AWUS036H connected to the internet (WLAN) and KisMAC on Passive Mode, hence have both working side by side. What you can NOT do is having KisMAC using the Alfa AND trying to use the Realtek App at the same time, just as you can not have 2 simultaneous different connections with Airport
Why Do You Need My IP In The Report?
"I don't feel comfortable sharing that with you"
We don't need your IP, or ISP, you can remove that if you want to. It's just easier to ask System Profiler to provide info "in bulk" than going trough every single line of it and parse it into a file.
We need some of the info, but not all; But we also understand your concerns and are somewhat flexible.
On a side note: We've received emails mentioning that some users were concerned about sharing their IP. Well, in that case, don't send an email, because your IP & ISP are in it. -in clear- ;-)
If you are concerned about your IP, don't use the Internet. Period. Good old letter and a stamp.
Also, while reading those words, you've told Google more than you have told your closest friend in a while.. Please, don't get me going on that ....
As a repeat, you erase what you want in the report; If there is not enough in it for us to ensure that Kali can work without having you sending us a bunch of angry emails, we'll just decline. That simple.
As for "your" report. We use AES-128 on-the-fly encryption on all machines, and erase (did you notice? we don't say "delete" we say "ERASE*") using DoD 7 pass wipe.
- Is it really working?
We'll let you judge yourself ... have you ever seen a laptop with 5 (five) distinct Internet connections ;-)
Alfa 36H, 36NH, 36NHR, Hawking UG1, Airport. All working at the same time...
The second pic on the right shows the Alfa Utility working with Lion
Also, on the left. You see a 92% quality connection from House to House, distant by 155 ft and trough 5 walls, including a closet and a kitchen wall with cabinets in the middle. Those are US type walls, not 6 feet thick "French Castle" granite walls, but still... Out of Line of Sight, out of Fresnel zone, 5 walls, 155 feet.
This baby rocks!
Access Point: Airport Extreme, Receiver Alfa AWUS036NHR 2000mW
How do I know it's not a Virus? or a CrapWare?
A) We don't do that.
B) You have an excellent Free Antivirus For Mac
C) You have read this post where we tell you where you can get one.
D) Paypal: They have our names, addresses and bank #. Paypal is your best guarantee!
Uninstall The Realtek App
-Do not trash "as is" or files will be left behind.
-Use the Uninstaller provided with the drivers package. or use the App we made for that.
I has a Broplem!
Just email us, you have the support email don't you?
We'll send you Kali Doctor.app , it test everything we can think of and tells you where the Broplem is.
Kali Doctor.app is reserved to people that have ... Kali.app
-What's the fuss with the icon?
Yeah, Panther, Tiger, Leopard, Snow Leopard and Lion were taken. Damn you Apple!
Cat was all we had left ... Skunk sounded .... well... "Windowsey"
Plus, we're not graphic designers. Are you?
If you are, contact us and you may earn a lifetime of free Kali apps ...
Paypal Fees & Reversal Fees:
Paypal is secure for you and for us. It's also a guarantee for you that no "bad deals" will happen. Nevertheless, they are a bit greedy and they apply fees in every transaction. When some of you are paying before even sending the report, and when after few emails "because the report generator does not work" we realize that you are on Vista....(True story) Well, besides the head banging against the wall, we have to refund you. Unfortunately, Paypal charges us a fee to receive the money, and another one to refund you. Hence, we refund your payment MINUS the Paypal fees both way.
We apologize for inconvenience. We do not try to nickel and dime you, it's Paypal policy (to nickel and dime) that forces to do so.
Thank you for your understanding.
AES 128-bit
A good article about it. Very digest...
AES 256-bit
- Is it really secure?
If you can break it, contact us , we'll make millions ....
FYI, An AES-256 is equivalent to a RSA of more than 13,000 bits! (Arjen Lenstra, Ph.D)
7 pass Wipe & Write. DoD approved. Just because in case it would be news for you, when you delete, you don't! You simply remove the first character of the file name and thus indicate that the clusters are available as "space". Hence, you can recover ...
The next step is Gutmann 35-pass , but that's looooong! very secure, but sooooo looooooooooooong!
It's my new baby: 811 b/g/n and a truly AMAZING quality of reception.
The transmit power is up to 2000mW, but most of Mac have a limited power supply on the USB. To fully use the 2000mW, you'll need specific drivers only available on Windows. Nevertheless, With the NHR on Mac, I went trough 5 walls, between 2 houses distant of 155ft and had a 95% quality link. Airport was DOA with 5%
Alfa Tube-U (G)
A Waterproof Outdoor b/g equivalent of the Alfa AWUS036H , Great for Boating, RV's, Camping or
Trekking. Comes with a 16ft / 5meter USB extension. As many times stated, There is NO LOSS of signal with USB. This is not the case with Coax cable.
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