Sunday, March 28, 2010

Clean My Mac No Serial

CleanMyMac No Serial Needed

Ok  ! Don't get all hyped, this is not a crack,  just a way to work around the limitation of Clean My Mac "Demo"

First, What is Clean My Mac? 
As per the developer "CleanMyMac represents sophisticated all-in-one-suite utility that helps keep your Mac clean and healthy.

With just two simple clicks you can delete useless files that basically pile up and waste your valuable disk space. CleanMyMac allows enjoying smooth system performance combining such vital features as Slim Universal Binaries, Clean Unneeded Languages, Logs Rotation, Clean Caches, Quick and Secure Erase, Application Uninstallation, and Killing Trash Left From Buried Applications."

It's great, but I find, -in my personal opinion- the App a little bit overpriced. 

Nevertheless, it can help you in many ways.  So, I will enjoy the Demo Version. But it's limited in the amount that you can clean.  Hence the "Demo"    

To work around the limitation, you just need an other App called App Cleaner , that you can find here.
Once App Cleaner is installed, download the last version of CleanMyMac from the trusted Apple Download Page
Run Clean my Mac, And Clean what you need.
As a Word Of Caution:  Clean the least sensitive first :  Unused languages, Trash , etc ...
When you reach the 209.72 MB limitation , Quit Clean My Mac and Uninstall it with App cleaner: it will also remove the plists and any files associated with Clean My Mac 

Then Re-install. That's it!  re start the process from scratch 

If the re-install - uninstall is too much for you, there is the solution to edit the plist, here  (advanced users)

It will take you 3 or 4 un-install - re-install to make a deep clean, but it's almost worth it. 
The "only" issue is that you can not clean files bigger than 209.72.  I was very surprised to see my Google Earth Cache File being 650 MB !

In that case, work around one more time: Go into Google Earth Preferences, Select Cache and clear. If not working Un-install Google Earth with App Cleaner , then re-install again. Not very high tech, but working.

Be very careful with the option of Universal Binary: "Sophisticated" applications will self check their integrity to avoid pirated versions.  If the Checksum is not correct, they will stop working.  Clean My Mac works around the issue by publishing a list of "don't touch me" applications called "Ignore List"
Go to Preferences and be sure to hit "update"  

As a rule of thumb, if the app was NOT a freeware, I would be careful   i.e.  Microsoft, Adobe, Apple, etc .
Start with freeware that you can easily re-install if an issue arise.  

Universal Binaries explained, According to Clean My Mac:

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