Saturday, April 27, 2013

Instant New iPad Features in iOS 6 How-to

Instant New iPad Features in iOS 6 How-to B00B71KZ1A pdf

Edition: 1st New edition
Release: 2013-01-25
Publisher: Packt Publishing
Binding: Kindle Edition

Instant New iPad Features in iOS 6 How-to

In DetailThe new iPad's display and processing power allows for a rich media experience that is unlike any other. Free download Instant New iPad Features in iOS 6 How-to books collection in PDF, EPUB, FB2, MOBI, and TXT formats. Instead of solely consuming media, you can create, edit, and manage everything from Excel documents to HD home movies. The multi-touch interface makes creating and editing intuitive. iCloud syncs documents, movies, music, and images to the cloud for access from all your Apple devices."The New iPad: Using New Features in iOS 6 How-To" will walk you through iCloud setup, project creations, and syncing. Best deals ebooks download Instant New iPad Features in iOS 6 How-to on amazon.If you want to utilize all that your iPad has to offer, this is the book for you. Exploring Apple’s suite of apps designed especially for the iPad, these recipes provide easy to follow steps enabling you to become a power user.You'll begin with the basics; setting up Mail, and managing your photos. Each recipe builds upon previous recipes and by the end of the book, you’ll have projects in every app within Apple's media suites.If you're interested in using your iPad to the fullest, this book will cover the major applications developed by Apple and take advantage of all of its features. We begin by setting up email, using the VIP inbox, iCloud, and Photostream within the Photos application. We'll then dig a little deeper and explore iPhoto and iMovie, creating slideshows, and creating a video trailer. Lastly, we'll explore the apps within Apple's iWorks suite, learning how to create and edit documents, spreadsheets, and PowerPoint presentations. We will finish the book with a musical note, exploring iTunes and GarageBand. "The New iPad: Using New Features in iOS 6 How-To" will walk you through tasks with easy to follow recipes that will give you a great overview on the new iPad and its features.ApproachFilled with practical, step-by-step instructions and clear explanations for the most important and useful tasks. Get the job done and learn as you go. A how-To book with practical recipes accompanied with rich screenshots for easy comprehension.Who this book is for"The New iPad: Using New Features in iOS 6 How-To" is for anyone somewhat familiar with an iPad but wanting to get an overview of its new features. A basic understanding of touch devices is good but not necessary. The recipes walk you through everything you need to know to accomplish each task. Good for the novice and the expert, there's something in here for everyone. Download Instant New iPad Features in iOS 6 How-to with free ebook downloads available via rapidshare, mediafire, 4shared.

Download Instant New iPad Features in iOS 6 How-to

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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Learning Cocoa with Objective-C

Learning Cocoa with Objective-C 1449318495 pdf

Edition: 3
Release: 2012-12-31
Publisher: O'Reilly Media
Binding: Paperback
ISBN/ASIN: 1449318495

Learning Cocoa with Objective-C: Developing for the Mac and iOS App Stores

Get up to speed on Cocoa and Objective-C, and start developing applications on the iOS and OS X platforms. Free download Learning Cocoa with Objective-C books collection in PDF, EPUB, FB2, MOBI, and TXT formats. I Best deals ebooks download Learning Cocoa with Objective-C on amazon. you don’t have experience with Apple’s developer tools, no problem! From object-oriented programming to storing app data in iCloud, this book covers everything you need to build apps for the iPhone, iPad, and Mac.You’ll learn how to work with the Xcode IDE, Objective-C’s Foundation library, and other developer tools such as Event Kit framework and Core Animation. Along the way, you’ll build example projects, including a simple Objective-C application, a custom view, a simple video player application, and an app that displays calendar events for the user.Learn the application life cycle on OS X and iOS Work with the user-interface system in Cocoa and Cocoa Touch Use AV Foundation to display video and audio Build apps that let users create, edit, and work with documents Store data locally with the file system, or on the network with iCloud Display lists or collections of data with table views and collection views Interact with the outside world with Core Location and Core Motion Use blocks and operation queues for multiprocessing Download Learning Cocoa with Objective-C: Developing for the Mac and iOS App Stores with free ebook downloads available via rapidshare, mediafire, 4shared.

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Friday, April 19, 2013

Xcode Primer - Starting Objective-C

Xcode Primer - Starting Objective-C B008711ZCG pdf

Edition: 1
Release: 2012-05-28
Publisher: AppSmith Books DK
Binding: Kindle Edition

Xcode Primer - Starting Objective-C

An Objective-C book for beginners. Free download Xcode Primer - Starting Objective-C books collection in PDF, EPUB, FB2, MOBI, and TXT formats. br />
This is the second book in the Xcode Primer series and picks up where the first one left off. After the basics of C you need to learn Objective-C.

iOS iPhone and iPad developers use a mix of C and Objective-C every day. Use this book to learn to walk before you can run. Best deals ebooks download Xcode Primer - Starting Objective-C on amazon.Helps you make the transition from procedural C programming to wildly popular object oriented programming language that is Objective-C.

Covers OOP, the Objective-C syntax, building and consuming classes, the Foundation framework, the file system, 2 chapters with iOS and Mac OS X GUI development, a project chapter and many, many examples, exercises and code challenges.

Has Xcode screen shots for the latest version of Xcode 4 on Mac OS X Lion, a support video channel on YouTube and a free Xcode project download for the chapter 13 project. Download Xcode Primer - Starting Objective-C with free ebook downloads available via rapidshare, mediafire, 4shared.

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Sunday, April 14, 2013

Practical iOS Projects

Practical iOS Projects 1430241225 pdf

Edition: 1
Release: 2012-02-28
Publisher: Apress
Binding: Paperback
ISBN/ASIN: 1430241225

Practical iOS Projects

Take a practical approach to becoming a cutting-edge iOS 5 developer by working through a number of fascinating projects. Free download Practical iOS Projects books collection in PDF, EPUB, FB2, MOBI, and TXT formats. b Best deals ebooks download Practical iOS Projects on amazon.>

Practical iOS 5 Projects introduces app development with a number of new options available to iOS 5 developers, including the new Storyboards feature, AirPlay,  NewsStands, and the highly anticipated iCloud. The core features of iOS 5 are also covered in detail, with projects built around SQLite and CoreData, communicating with web servers, and the use of the OpenGL ES library. You'll find a great selection of projects that include: Streaming your television using AirPlay Building a game with 3D animation using OpenGL ES Creating an app that is built and deployed to the iCloud Building apps that read and write data using CoreData and SQLite  Designing an app that uses Automatic Reference Counting Building an app that incorporates the new Location Simulation feature Practical iOS 5 Projects will ensure you have the skills needed to get amazing iOS 5 projects developed and deployed to the app store.  Download Practical iOS Projects with free ebook downloads available via rapidshare, mediafire, 4shared.

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Saturday, April 13, 2013

Dotknij, przesu?, potrz??nij. Od pomys?u do gry na iPhone'a i iPada Pdf

Dotknij, przesu?, potrz??nij. Od pomys?u do gry na iPhone'a i iPada  B0099E079M pdf

Release: 2012-09-11
Publisher: Helion
Binding: Kindle Edition

Dotknij, przesu?, potrz??nij. Od pomys?u do gry na iPhone'a i iPada (Polish Edition)

Zrealizuj swój pomys? na gr? i odnie? sukces!Nawet je?li rynek gier i aplikacji mobilnych nie prze?cignš? jeszcze rynku tych produktów dla komputerów osobistych, to wkrótce to zrobi. Free download Dotknij, przesu?, potrz??nij. Od pomys?u do gry na iPhone'a i iPada books collection in PDF, EPUB, FB2, MOBI, and TXT formats. Miliony u?ytkowników, przyst?pne ceny oraz powszechny dost?p do ekranów dotykowych, GPS i internetu — wszystko to sprawia, ?e gry na iPhone’a czy iPada sš cz?sto o wiele bardziej atrakcyjne ni? ich odpowiedniki przeznaczone na zwyk?e komputery. Najwa?niejszy jest pomys? na gr?. Musi by? nowatorski, atrakcyjny i wcišgajšcy. Je?li ju? go masz, ten przewodnik poka?e Ci, w jaki sposób przej?? do utworzenia prawdziwej i-aplikacji. Best deals ebooks download Dotknij, przesu?, potrz??nij. Od pomys?u do gry na iPhone'a i iPada on amazon.Przedstawiony proces konstruowania rzeczywistej gry pozwoli Ci zdoby? podstawy dotyczšce narz?dzia Xcode i j?zyka Objective-C. Jednocze?nie nauczysz si?, jak implementowa? logik? gry, przygotowywa? grafik? i efekty d?wi?kowe, a tak?e opracowa? sztucznš inteligencj? dla gracza-komputera. Ju? wkrótce mo?esz zdoby? s?aw? i czerpa? z tego wymierne korzy?ci! Z tš ksiš?kš w r?ku ka?dy programista zamieni pomys? na rzeczywisty produkt, gotowy do rozpowszechniania w sklepie iTunes App Store.Zacznij od prostej gry, wymagajšcej utworzenia jedynie oko?o dwudziestu wierszy koduZbuduj ca?kowicie od poczštku gr? w hokeja na stolePoznaj najlepsze praktyki w zakresie ?ledzenia wielu dotyków na ekranieStwórz animacj? i przygotuj funkcje wykrywania kolizjiWykorzystaj niezb?dne narz?dzia do przygotowania atrakcyjnej grafiki dla gryDopracuj fizyk? w grze, aby nada? jej wi?kszy realizmNagraj i przeprowad? edycj? efektów d?wi?kowych oraz utwórz w?asnš muzyk? odtwarzanš w tleZaprojektuj gracza-komputer, grajšcego na ró?nych poziomach trudno?ciZamie? pomys? na produkt gotowy do rozpowszechniania w sklepie iTunes App Store!Todd Moore za?o?y? firm? TMSOFT, by konstruowa? wyjštkowe aplikacje i gry przeznaczone dla smartfonów. Stworzona przez niego popularna gra Card Counter zosta?a wyró?niona przez Engadget, "Los Angeles Times" oraz CNET TV. Najpopularniejsza aplikacja Todda — White Noise — zdoby?a uznanie iTunes App Store, "Health Magazine", "Washington Post", "PC Magazine" i Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. Download Dotknij, przesu?, potrz??nij. Od pomys?u do gry na iPhone'a i iPada (Polish Edition) with free ebook downloads available via rapidshare, mediafire, 4shared.

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Thursday, April 11, 2013

iPhone Programming Pdf

iPhone Programming 1479384496 pdf

Release: 2012-09-27
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Binding: Paperback
ISBN/ASIN: 1479384496

iPhone Programming: Doctor iPhone App Source Code Included

Use the source code as template to help you build a fully functional doctor iPhone app and have it ready for submittal to the App Store. Free download iPhone Programming books collection in PDF, EPUB, FB2, MOBI, and TXT formats. Designed for doctor-patient communication, feedback form with submit button, staff list, patient referrals, appointment setter, map views, getting directions, one-touch call, patient education, etc... Great app for use as template for training or development. Best deals ebooks download iPhone Programming on amazon. Download instructions for the complete source code included. Download iPhone Programming: Doctor iPhone App Source Code Included with free ebook downloads available via rapidshare, mediafire, 4shared.

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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

More iOS 6 Development

More iOS 6 Development 1430238070 pdf

Edition: 1
Release: 2012-12-27
Publisher: Apress
Binding: Paperback
ISBN/ASIN: 1430238070

More iOS 6 Development: Further Explorations of the iOS SDK

Interested in iPhone and iPad apps development? Want to learn more? Whether you’re a self-taught iPhone and iPad apps development genius or have just made your way through the pages of Beginning iOS 6 Development, we have the perfect book for you. Free download More iOS 6 Development books collection in PDF, EPUB, FB2, MOBI, and TXT formats. br />
More iOS 6 Development: Further Explorations of the iOS SDK digs deeper into Apple’s latest iOS 6 SDK. Bestselling authors Dave Mark, Alex Horovitz, Kevin Kim and Jeff LaMarche explain concepts as only they can—covering topics like Core Data, peer-to-peer networking using GameKit and network streams, working with data from the web, MapKit, in-application e-mail, and more. All the concepts and APIs are clearly presented with code snippets you can customize and use, as you like, in your own apps.

If you are going to write a professional iPhone or iPad app, you’ll want to get your arms around Core Data, and there’s no better place to do so than in the pages of this book. Best deals ebooks download More iOS 6 Development on amazon.The book continues right where Beginning iOS 6 Development leaves off, with a series of chapters devoted to Core Data, the standard for Apple persistence. Dave, Alex, Kevin and Jeff carefully step through each Core Data concept and show techniques and tips specifically for writing larger apps—offering a breadth of coverage you won't find anywhere else. The Core Data coverage alone is worth the price of admission. But there's so much more! More iOS 6 Development covers a variety of networking mechanisms, from GameKit’s relatively simple BlueTooth peer-to-peer model, to the addition of Bonjour discovery and network streams, through the complexity of accessing files via the web.

Dave, Alex, Kevin, and Jeff will also take you through coverage of concurrent programming and some advanced techniques for debugging your applications. The enhanced multitasking, threading, memory management and more are important. Apps are getting more and more complex, including sophisticated game apps that offer virtual or augmented reality experiences and new mapping views that take advantage of sensors and other APIs in the newest iOS 6 SDK. Whether you are a relative newcomer to iPhone and iPad or iOS development or an old hand looking to expand your horizons, there’s something for everyone in More iOS 6 Development.   What you’ll learn All about Core Data: key concepts and techniques for writing larger applications How to utilize a variety of networking mechanisms, including peer-to-peer connections over Bluetooth using GameKit Details on the addition of Bonjour discovery and network streams How to embed maps with Map Kit and use in-application email How to access a user’s iPod library and integrate music into apps Essentials of concurrent programming and advanced debugging techniques How to work with enhanced multitasking, threading, memory management and other APIs Tips on working with data from the web and the cloud, including Apple's  iCloud  How to work with the iOS 6 SDK when dealing with sensors, gyroscopes, etc. for augmented reality experiences in game and socia media apps Who this book is for All iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad app developers, especially developers already familiar with the basics of Apple's iPhone SDKs and who have read the previous volume, Beginning iOS 6 Development. Table of Contents Here We Go Round Again Core Data The What, Why & How A Super Start: Adding, Displaying, and Deleting Data The Devil in the Detail View Preparing for Change: Migrations and Versioning Custom Managed Objects Relationships, Fetched Properties, and Expressions iCloud Storage Peer-to-Peer Over Bluetooth Using GameKit MapKit - new geocoding Messaging: Mail, Twitter, and iMessage iPod Library Access Locking It Down: Generic Security Services Framework Keeping Your Interface Responsive: Advanced Storyboarding Unit Testing, Debugging, and Instruments The Road Goes Ever On... Download More iOS 6 Development: Further Explorations of the iOS SDK with free ebook downloads available via rapidshare, mediafire, 4shared.

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