Read this carefully: You've landed on this page because you've asked a question. Most likely a
technical question.
Most likely too, you probably forgot to mention few things:
☞ Your OS (Operating System)
☞ Your OS Version
☞ The software version, i.e KisMAC 0.3.3 or Aircrack-ng 1.1
☞ If you mention a WLAN, USB card, etc , please provide the
FCC number and the Chipset. Both are going hand in hand.
If you have mentioned all of the above and have received this link, the probable cause is:
- You've typed your question like a lolcat. If I can't understand, I won't reply.
- Your question was previously answered numerous time, please look under "Few Tips"
- You have not used the bare minimum etiquette. AKA "Please" and / or "Thank you"
- You have not read a single line or glanced over it without reading. Try again slowly: your answer is there.
- You have mentioned something illegal. i.e cracking your neighbor WIFI without any authorization(s). Think again about the possible implications. You may also rephrase your question.
- If you have received a "RTFM&STFW" it's probably because you really exaggerated. You may have succeeded on "All of the above". Congrats!
If you do not wish to spend time digging, looking and fumbling, and want to be up to speed in a zap, we have the
KisMAC School. One to one session to help you with any issues.
Few tips: There is a search box on the top left of the blog.
Google is your friend, just use the proper delimiters or use the advanced search.
Example: "Could not instantiate driver"
How not to go about thingsIf I am in playful mode, it may go like this...